Tata InnoVista is a unique 'One Tata' platform for recognizing and celebrating innovations of the companies at the group level. Participating in the group-wide initiative encourages and motivates the teams and promotes a culture of collaborative innovation, learning and sharing. Tata InnoVista demonstrates the ability of our teams to solve real business problems with innovative solutions, their focus on creating visible impact and the intrapreneur culture. Over the years, Tata InnoVista has evolved into a central enabler for nurturing the enthusiasm of our teams towards innovation and building a sustainable innovation culture.
Innovations that have been implemented successfully with demonstrated results
Recognizes teams who could not achieve the desired outcomes (Intelligent failures)
Global/Industry first patented technologies that have been piloted but haven’t been commercialized yet
Designs (Product, Service, Process, Space) that have been implemented successfully with demonstrated results
Innovations that have demonstrated impact on the society and/or environment
Recognizes Partners (upstream and downstream) of Tata companies for demonstrating results from their innovations
Companies that display robust processes to scale up innovations
"More than ever before, we must be ready to think every problem afresh, to change and innovate…"
~ J.R.D. Tata (July 29, 1904 – November 29, 1993)
"I have been constantly telling people to encourage people, to question the unquestioned and not to be ashamed to bring up new ideas, new processes to get things done."